An act of taking a creative work like a play and moving it into another medium.
2. Ingenuity -Inventively talented
3. Deceit - Lying
4. Vitriol - Sarcastic criticism in literature
5. Profound - Depth
6. Poignancy - The qlty of affecting the emotions in a heartfelt way.
7. Pejoratives - Disparaging Remarks.
8. Anachronisms - Obsolete.
9. Provinciality(Parochial) -Limited Pt. of view or a rough-hewn unsophistication associated with those living in provinces.
10. Rusticity - Country lifestyle.
11. Piqued - Aroused, Excited.
12. Misapprehended - Misunderstood.
13. One who vegetates - Inert or not active.
Vegetables - Inactive living things.
Vegout - To stagnate, not think or do anything.
14. Proponent - Someone who argues in favor of some idea or practice.
15. Traitor - Doesn't support his particular country.
16. Attorney - Support the law.
17. Species - Category of living things known as organisms.
18. Genre - A type of literature.
19. Mystery - A type of book.
20. Discharged - Duty is up and released.
21. Docked(money) -withheld from an employee, as punishment for poor work.
22. Laceration - Large Cut.
23. Slit - A tiny crack, cut.
24. Blisters - Often smaller sores than boils.
25. Outfox - To defeat out over him by superior strategy.
26. Outrun - by superior speed.
27. Specific kinds of outdoing - Outfoxing, Outrunning and Outlasting.
28. Coax -Persuade Someone.
29. Blandishments - A series of flattering and cajoling actions and speeches.
30. Platitudes - Trite, dull remarks.
31. A person is called a noble because he or she is titled. Eg: Sir, Lord or Squire.
32. Deposed Ruler - One who has been kicked out.
33. Revelatory - Persuasive though incomplete.
34. Zeal - Enthusiasm.
35. Apathy - similar to indifference or the actual correct response.
36. Erroneous - Incorrect.
37. Cognizant - to be aware.
38. Oblivious - Unaware.
39. Obsequious - Overly flattering.
40. Bawdy - Racy.
41. Prudish - Proper.
42. Superfluous - Unnecessary.
43. Gaunt - Thin.
44. Ethereal - Heavenly or Immaterial.
45. Legitimate - Legal or authentic.
46. Abet - To aid or assist.
47. Deter- Hinder.
48. Dispassionate - Unbiased.
49. Partisan - Biased.
50. Sentient - Conscious or aware.
51. Stoic - Expressionless or Impassive.
52. Panegyric - Formal or elaborate praise in writing or oration.
53. Prolix - Wordy.
54. Pithy - To the point.
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