1. UMBR - Shadow.
Umbrella, Umbrage, Adumbrate, Penumbra.
2. UNI, UN - One.
Unify, Unilateral, Unanimous.
3. URB - City.
Urban, Suburban, Urbane.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Root List - T
1. TACIT, TIC - Silent.
Tacit, Taciturn, Reticent.
2. TACT, TAG, TANG - Touch.
Tact, Tactile, Contagious, Tangent, Tangential, Tangible.
3. TEN, TIN, TAIN - Hold, Twist.
Detention, Tenable, Tenacious, Pertinacious, Retinue, Retain.
4. TEND, TENS, TENT - Stretch.
Intend, Distend, Tension, Tensile, Ostensible, Contentious.
5. TERM - End.
Terminal, Terminus, Terminate, Interminable.
6. TERR - Earth, Land.
Terrain, Terrestrial, Extraterrestrial, Subterranean.
7. TEST - Witness.
Tesify, Attest, Testimonial, Testament, Detest, Protestation.
8. THE - God.
Atheist, Theology, Apotheosis, Theocracy.
9. THERM - Heat.
Thermometer, Thermal, Thermonuclear, Hypothermia.
10. TIM - Fear, Frightened.
Timid, Intimidate, Timorous.
11. TOP - Place.
Topic, Topography, Utopia.
12. TORP - Stiff, Numb.
Torpedo, Torpid, Torpor.
13. TORT - Twist.
Distort, Extort, Tortuous.
14. TOX - Poison.
Toxic, Toxin, Intoxication.
15. TRACT - Draw.
Tractor, Intractable, Protract.
16. TRANS - Across, Over, Through, Beyond.
Transport, Transgress, Transient, Transitory, Translucent, Transmutation.
17. TREM, TREP - Shake.
Tremble, Tremor, Tremulous, Trepidation, Intrepid.
18. TURB - Shake.
Disturb, Turbulent, Perturbation.
Tacit, Taciturn, Reticent.
2. TACT, TAG, TANG - Touch.
Tact, Tactile, Contagious, Tangent, Tangential, Tangible.
3. TEN, TIN, TAIN - Hold, Twist.
Detention, Tenable, Tenacious, Pertinacious, Retinue, Retain.
4. TEND, TENS, TENT - Stretch.
Intend, Distend, Tension, Tensile, Ostensible, Contentious.
5. TERM - End.
Terminal, Terminus, Terminate, Interminable.
6. TERR - Earth, Land.
Terrain, Terrestrial, Extraterrestrial, Subterranean.
7. TEST - Witness.
Tesify, Attest, Testimonial, Testament, Detest, Protestation.
8. THE - God.
Atheist, Theology, Apotheosis, Theocracy.
9. THERM - Heat.
Thermometer, Thermal, Thermonuclear, Hypothermia.
10. TIM - Fear, Frightened.
Timid, Intimidate, Timorous.
11. TOP - Place.
Topic, Topography, Utopia.
12. TORP - Stiff, Numb.
Torpedo, Torpid, Torpor.
13. TORT - Twist.
Distort, Extort, Tortuous.
14. TOX - Poison.
Toxic, Toxin, Intoxication.
15. TRACT - Draw.
Tractor, Intractable, Protract.
16. TRANS - Across, Over, Through, Beyond.
Transport, Transgress, Transient, Transitory, Translucent, Transmutation.
17. TREM, TREP - Shake.
Tremble, Tremor, Tremulous, Trepidation, Intrepid.
18. TURB - Shake.
Disturb, Turbulent, Perturbation.
Root List - S
1. SACR, SANCT - Holy.
Sacred, Sacrilege, Consecrate, Sanctify, Sanction, Sacrosanct.
Scribe, Ascribe, Circumscribe, Inscribe, Proscribe, Script, Manuscript, Scrivener.
3. SE - Apart, Away.
Separate, Segregate, Secede, Sedition.
4. SEC, SECT, SEG - Cut.
Sector, Dissect, Bisect, Intersect, Segment, Secant.
5. SED, SID - Sit.
Sedate, Sedentary, Supersede, Reside, Residence, Assiduous, Insidious.
6. SEM - Seed, Sow.
Seminar, Seminal, Disseminate.
7. SEN - Old.
Senior, Senile, Senescent.
8. SENT, SENS - Feel, Think.
Sentiment, Nonsense, Assent, Sentient, Consensus, Sensual.
9. SEQU, SECU - Follow.
Sequence, Sequel, Subsequent, Obsequious, Obsequy, Nonsequitur, Consecutive.
10. SIGN - Mark, Sign.
Signal, Designation, Assignation.
11. SIM, SEM - Similar, Same.
Similar, Semblance, Dissemble, Verisimilitude.
12. SIN - Curve.
Sine curve, Sinuous, Insinuate.
13. SOL - Sun.
Solar, Parasol, Solarium, Solstice.
14. SOL - Alone.
Solo, Solitude, Soliloquy, Solipsism.
15. SOMN - Sleep.
Insomnia, Somnolent, Somnambulist.
16. SON - Sound.
Sonic, Consonance, Dissonance, Assonance, Sonorous, Resonate.
17. SOPH - Wisdom.
Philosopher, Sophistry, Sophisticated, Sophomoric.
18. SPEC, SPIC - See, Look.
Spectator, Circumspect, Retrospective, Perspective, Perspicacious.
19. SPER - Hope.
Prosper, Prosperous, Despair, Desperate.
20. SPERS, SPAR - Scatter.
Disperse, Sparse, Aspersion, Disparate.
21. SPIR - Breathe.
Respire, Inspire, Spiritual, Aspire, Transpire.
22. STRICT, STRING - Bind.
Strict, Stricture, Constrict, Stringent, Astringent.
23. SUB - Under.
Subconscious, Subjugate, Subliminal, Subpoena, Subsequent, Subterranean, Subvert.
24. SUMM - Highest.
Summit, Summary, Consummate.
25. SUPER, SUR - Above.
Supervise, Supercilious, Supercede, Superannuated, Superfluous, Insurmountable, Surfeit.
26. SURGE, SURRECT - Rise.
Surge, Resurgent, Insurgent, Insurrection.
27. SYN, SYM - Together.
Synthesis, Sympathy, Synonym, Syncopation, Synopsis, Symposium, Symbiosis.
Sacred, Sacrilege, Consecrate, Sanctify, Sanction, Sacrosanct.
Scribe, Ascribe, Circumscribe, Inscribe, Proscribe, Script, Manuscript, Scrivener.
3. SE - Apart, Away.
Separate, Segregate, Secede, Sedition.
4. SEC, SECT, SEG - Cut.
Sector, Dissect, Bisect, Intersect, Segment, Secant.
5. SED, SID - Sit.
Sedate, Sedentary, Supersede, Reside, Residence, Assiduous, Insidious.
6. SEM - Seed, Sow.
Seminar, Seminal, Disseminate.
7. SEN - Old.
Senior, Senile, Senescent.
8. SENT, SENS - Feel, Think.
Sentiment, Nonsense, Assent, Sentient, Consensus, Sensual.
9. SEQU, SECU - Follow.
Sequence, Sequel, Subsequent, Obsequious, Obsequy, Nonsequitur, Consecutive.
10. SIGN - Mark, Sign.
Signal, Designation, Assignation.
11. SIM, SEM - Similar, Same.
Similar, Semblance, Dissemble, Verisimilitude.
12. SIN - Curve.
Sine curve, Sinuous, Insinuate.
13. SOL - Sun.
Solar, Parasol, Solarium, Solstice.
14. SOL - Alone.
Solo, Solitude, Soliloquy, Solipsism.
15. SOMN - Sleep.
Insomnia, Somnolent, Somnambulist.
16. SON - Sound.
Sonic, Consonance, Dissonance, Assonance, Sonorous, Resonate.
17. SOPH - Wisdom.
Philosopher, Sophistry, Sophisticated, Sophomoric.
18. SPEC, SPIC - See, Look.
Spectator, Circumspect, Retrospective, Perspective, Perspicacious.
19. SPER - Hope.
Prosper, Prosperous, Despair, Desperate.
20. SPERS, SPAR - Scatter.
Disperse, Sparse, Aspersion, Disparate.
21. SPIR - Breathe.
Respire, Inspire, Spiritual, Aspire, Transpire.
22. STRICT, STRING - Bind.
Strict, Stricture, Constrict, Stringent, Astringent.
23. SUB - Under.
Subconscious, Subjugate, Subliminal, Subpoena, Subsequent, Subterranean, Subvert.
24. SUMM - Highest.
Summit, Summary, Consummate.
25. SUPER, SUR - Above.
Supervise, Supercilious, Supercede, Superannuated, Superfluous, Insurmountable, Surfeit.
26. SURGE, SURRECT - Rise.
Surge, Resurgent, Insurgent, Insurrection.
27. SYN, SYM - Together.
Synthesis, Sympathy, Synonym, Syncopation, Synopsis, Symposium, Symbiosis.
Root List - R
1. RADI, RAMI - Branch.
Radius, Radiate, Radiant, Eradicate, Ramification.
2. RECT, REG - Straight, Rule.
Rectangle, Rectitude, Rectify, Regular.
3. REG - King, Rule.
Regal, Regent, Interregnum.
4. RETRO - Backward.
Retrosphere, Retroactive, Retrograde.
5. RID, RIS - Laugh.
Ridiculous, Deride, Derision.
6. ROG -Ask.
Interrogate, Derogatory, Abrogate, Arrogate, Arrogant.
7. RUD - Rough, Crude.
Rude, Erudite, Rudimentary.
8. RUPT - Break.
Disrupt, Interrupt, Rupture.
Radius, Radiate, Radiant, Eradicate, Ramification.
2. RECT, REG - Straight, Rule.
Rectangle, Rectitude, Rectify, Regular.
3. REG - King, Rule.
Regal, Regent, Interregnum.
4. RETRO - Backward.
Retrosphere, Retroactive, Retrograde.
5. RID, RIS - Laugh.
Ridiculous, Deride, Derision.
6. ROG -Ask.
Interrogate, Derogatory, Abrogate, Arrogate, Arrogant.
7. RUD - Rough, Crude.
Rude, Erudite, Rudimentary.
8. RUPT - Break.
Disrupt, Interrupt, Rupture.
Root List - Q
1. QUAD, QUAR, QUAT - Four.
Quadrilateral, Quadrant, Quadruped, Quarter, Quarantine, Quaternary.
2. QUES, QUER, QUIS, QUIR - Question.
Quest, Inquest, Query, Querulous, Inquisitive, Inquiry.
3. QUIE - Quiet.
Disquiet, Acquiesce, Quiescent, Requiem.
4. QUINT, QUIN - Five.
Quintuplets, Quintessence.
Quadrilateral, Quadrant, Quadruped, Quarter, Quarantine, Quaternary.
2. QUES, QUER, QUIS, QUIR - Question.
Quest, Inquest, Query, Querulous, Inquisitive, Inquiry.
3. QUIE - Quiet.
Disquiet, Acquiesce, Quiescent, Requiem.
4. QUINT, QUIN - Five.
Quintuplets, Quintessence.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Root List - P
1. PAC - Peace.
Pacify, Pacifist, Pacific.
2. PALP - Feel.
Palpable, Palpitation.
3. PAN - All.
Panorama, Panacea, Panegyric, Pandemic, Panoply.
4. PATER, PATR - Father.
Paternal, Paternity, Patriot, Compatriot, Expatriate, Patrimony, Patricide, Patrician.
5. PATH, PASS - Feel, Suffer.
Sympathy, Antipathy, Empathy, Apathy, Pathos, Impassioned.
6. PEC - Money.
Pecuniary, Impecunous, Peculation.
7. PED, POD - Foot.
Pedestrian, Pedinent, Expedient, Biped, Quadruped, Tripod.
8. PEL, PULS - Drive.
Compel, Compelling, Expel, Propel, Compulsion.
9. PEN - Almost.
Peninsula, Penultimate, Penumbra.
10. PEND, PENS - Hang.
Pendant, Pendulous, Compendium, Suspense, Propensity.
11. PER - Through, By, For, Throughout.
Perambulator, Percipient, Perfunctory, Permeable, Perspicacious, Pertinacious, Perturbation, Perusal, Perennial, Peregrinate.
12. PER - Against, Destruction.
Perfidious, Pernicious, Perjure.
13. PERI - Around.
Perimeter, Periphery, Perihelion, Peripatetic.
14. PET - Seek, Go toward.
Petition, Impetus, Impetuous, Petulant, Centripetal.
15. PHIL - Love.
Philosopher, Philanderer, Philanthropy, Bibliophile, Philology.
16. PHOB - Fear.
Phobia, Claustrophobia, Xenophobia.
17. PHON - Sound.
Phonograph, Megaphone, Euphony, Phonetics, Phonics.
18. PLAC - Calm, Please.
Placate, Implacable, Placid, Complascent.
19. PON, POS - Put, Place.
Postpone, Preponent, Exponent, Preposition, Posit, Interpose, Juxtaposition, Depose.
20. PORT - Carry.
Portable, Deportment, Rapport.
21. POT - Drink.
Potion, Potabe.
22. POT - Power.
Potential, Potent, Impotent, Potentate, Omnipotence.
23. PRE - Before.
Precede, Precipitate, Preclude, Precocious, Precursor, Predilection, Predisposition, Preponderance, Prepossessing, Presage, Prescient, Prejudice, Predict, Premonition, Preposition.
24.PRIM, PRI - First.
Prime, Primary, Primal, Primeval, Primordial, Pristine.
25. PRO - Ahead, Forth.
Proceed, Proclivity, Procrastination, Profane, Profuse, Progenitor, Progeny, Prognosis, Prologue, Promontory, Prope, Proponent, Propose, Proscribe, Protestation, Provoke.
26. PROTO - First.
Prototype, Protagonist, Protocol.
27. PROX, PROP - Near.
Approximate, Propinquity, Proximity.
28. PSEUDO - False.
Pseudoscientific, Pseudonym.
29. PYR - Fire.
Pyre, Pyrotechnics, Pyromania.
Pacify, Pacifist, Pacific.
2. PALP - Feel.
Palpable, Palpitation.
3. PAN - All.
Panorama, Panacea, Panegyric, Pandemic, Panoply.
4. PATER, PATR - Father.
Paternal, Paternity, Patriot, Compatriot, Expatriate, Patrimony, Patricide, Patrician.
5. PATH, PASS - Feel, Suffer.
Sympathy, Antipathy, Empathy, Apathy, Pathos, Impassioned.
6. PEC - Money.
Pecuniary, Impecunous, Peculation.
7. PED, POD - Foot.
Pedestrian, Pedinent, Expedient, Biped, Quadruped, Tripod.
8. PEL, PULS - Drive.
Compel, Compelling, Expel, Propel, Compulsion.
9. PEN - Almost.
Peninsula, Penultimate, Penumbra.
10. PEND, PENS - Hang.
Pendant, Pendulous, Compendium, Suspense, Propensity.
11. PER - Through, By, For, Throughout.
Perambulator, Percipient, Perfunctory, Permeable, Perspicacious, Pertinacious, Perturbation, Perusal, Perennial, Peregrinate.
12. PER - Against, Destruction.
Perfidious, Pernicious, Perjure.
13. PERI - Around.
Perimeter, Periphery, Perihelion, Peripatetic.
14. PET - Seek, Go toward.
Petition, Impetus, Impetuous, Petulant, Centripetal.
15. PHIL - Love.
Philosopher, Philanderer, Philanthropy, Bibliophile, Philology.
16. PHOB - Fear.
Phobia, Claustrophobia, Xenophobia.
17. PHON - Sound.
Phonograph, Megaphone, Euphony, Phonetics, Phonics.
18. PLAC - Calm, Please.
Placate, Implacable, Placid, Complascent.
19. PON, POS - Put, Place.
Postpone, Preponent, Exponent, Preposition, Posit, Interpose, Juxtaposition, Depose.
20. PORT - Carry.
Portable, Deportment, Rapport.
21. POT - Drink.
Potion, Potabe.
22. POT - Power.
Potential, Potent, Impotent, Potentate, Omnipotence.
23. PRE - Before.
Precede, Precipitate, Preclude, Precocious, Precursor, Predilection, Predisposition, Preponderance, Prepossessing, Presage, Prescient, Prejudice, Predict, Premonition, Preposition.
24.PRIM, PRI - First.
Prime, Primary, Primal, Primeval, Primordial, Pristine.
25. PRO - Ahead, Forth.
Proceed, Proclivity, Procrastination, Profane, Profuse, Progenitor, Progeny, Prognosis, Prologue, Promontory, Prope, Proponent, Propose, Proscribe, Protestation, Provoke.
26. PROTO - First.
Prototype, Protagonist, Protocol.
27. PROX, PROP - Near.
Approximate, Propinquity, Proximity.
28. PSEUDO - False.
Pseudoscientific, Pseudonym.
29. PYR - Fire.
Pyre, Pyrotechnics, Pyromania.
Root List - O
1. OB - Against.
Obstruct, Obdurate, Obfuscate, Obnoxious, Obsequious, Obstinate, Obstreperous, Obstrusive.
2. OMNI - All.
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnivorous.
3. ONER - Burden.
Onerous, Onus, Exonerate.
4. OPER - Work.
Operate, Cooperate, Inoperable.
Obstruct, Obdurate, Obfuscate, Obnoxious, Obsequious, Obstinate, Obstreperous, Obstrusive.
2. OMNI - All.
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnivorous.
3. ONER - Burden.
Onerous, Onus, Exonerate.
4. OPER - Work.
Operate, Cooperate, Inoperable.
Root List - N
1. NAT, NASC - Born.
Native, Nativity, Natal, Neonate, Innate, Cognate, Nascent, Renascent, Renaissance.
2. NAU, NAV - Ship, Sailor.
Nautical, Nauseous, Navy, Circumnavigate.
3. NEG - Not, Deny.
Negative, Abnegate, Renege.
4. NEO - New.
Neoclassical, Neophyte, Neologism, Neonate.
5. NIHIL - None, Nothing.
Annihilation, Nihilism.
6. NOM, NYM - Name.
Nominate, Nomenclature, Nomical, Cognomen, Misnomer, Ignominious, Antonym, Homonym, Pseudonym, Synonym, Anonymity.
7. NOX, NIC, NEC, NOC - Harm.
Obnoxious, Noxious, Pernicious, Internecine, Innocuous.
8. NOV - New.
Novelty, Innovation, Novitiate.
9. NUMER - Number.
Numeral, Numerous, Innumerable, Enumerate.
Native, Nativity, Natal, Neonate, Innate, Cognate, Nascent, Renascent, Renaissance.
2. NAU, NAV - Ship, Sailor.
Nautical, Nauseous, Navy, Circumnavigate.
3. NEG - Not, Deny.
Negative, Abnegate, Renege.
4. NEO - New.
Neoclassical, Neophyte, Neologism, Neonate.
5. NIHIL - None, Nothing.
Annihilation, Nihilism.
6. NOM, NYM - Name.
Nominate, Nomenclature, Nomical, Cognomen, Misnomer, Ignominious, Antonym, Homonym, Pseudonym, Synonym, Anonymity.
7. NOX, NIC, NEC, NOC - Harm.
Obnoxious, Noxious, Pernicious, Internecine, Innocuous.
8. NOV - New.
Novelty, Innovation, Novitiate.
9. NUMER - Number.
Numeral, Numerous, Innumerable, Enumerate.
Root List - M
1. MACRO - Great.
Macrocosm, Macrobiotics.
2. MAG, MAJ, MAS, MAX - Great.
Magnify, Majesty, Master, Maximum, Magnanimous, Magnate, Magnitude.
3. MAL - Bad.
Malady, Maladroit, Malevolent, Malodorous.
4. MAN - Hand.
Manual, Manuscript, Emancipate, Manifest.
5. MAR - Sea.
Submarine, Marine, Maritime.
6. MATER, MATR - Mother.
Maternal, Matron, Matrilineal.
7. MEDI - Middle.
Intermediary, Medieval, Mediate.
8. MEGA - Great.
Megaphone, Megalomania, Megaton, Megalith.
9. MEM, MEN - Remember.
Memory, Memento, Memorabilia, Reminisce.
10. METER, METR, MENS - Measure.
Meter, Thermometer, Perimeter, Metronome, Commensurate.
11. MICRO - Small.
Microscope, Microorganism, Microcosm, Microbe.
12. MIS - Wrong, Bad, Hate.
Misunderstand, Misanthrope, Misapprehension, Misconstrue, Misnomer, Mishap.
13. MIT, MIS - Send.
Transmit, Emit, Missive.
14. MOLL - Soft.
Mollify, Emollient, Mollusk.
15. MON, MONIT - Warn.
Admonish, Monitor, Premonition.
16. MONO - One.
Monologue, Monotonous, Monogamy, Monolith, Monochrome.
17. MOR - Custom, Manner.
Moral, Mores.
18. MOR, MORT - Dead.
Morbid, Moribund, Mortal, Amortize.
19. MORPH - Shape.
Amorphous, Anthropomorphic, Metamorphosis, Morphology.
20. MOV, MOT, MOB, MOM - Move.
Remove, Motion, Mobile, Momentum, Momentous.
21. MUT - Change.
Mutate, Mutability, Immutable, Commute.
Macrocosm, Macrobiotics.
2. MAG, MAJ, MAS, MAX - Great.
Magnify, Majesty, Master, Maximum, Magnanimous, Magnate, Magnitude.
3. MAL - Bad.
Malady, Maladroit, Malevolent, Malodorous.
4. MAN - Hand.
Manual, Manuscript, Emancipate, Manifest.
5. MAR - Sea.
Submarine, Marine, Maritime.
6. MATER, MATR - Mother.
Maternal, Matron, Matrilineal.
7. MEDI - Middle.
Intermediary, Medieval, Mediate.
8. MEGA - Great.
Megaphone, Megalomania, Megaton, Megalith.
9. MEM, MEN - Remember.
Memory, Memento, Memorabilia, Reminisce.
10. METER, METR, MENS - Measure.
Meter, Thermometer, Perimeter, Metronome, Commensurate.
11. MICRO - Small.
Microscope, Microorganism, Microcosm, Microbe.
12. MIS - Wrong, Bad, Hate.
Misunderstand, Misanthrope, Misapprehension, Misconstrue, Misnomer, Mishap.
13. MIT, MIS - Send.
Transmit, Emit, Missive.
14. MOLL - Soft.
Mollify, Emollient, Mollusk.
15. MON, MONIT - Warn.
Admonish, Monitor, Premonition.
16. MONO - One.
Monologue, Monotonous, Monogamy, Monolith, Monochrome.
17. MOR - Custom, Manner.
Moral, Mores.
18. MOR, MORT - Dead.
Morbid, Moribund, Mortal, Amortize.
19. MORPH - Shape.
Amorphous, Anthropomorphic, Metamorphosis, Morphology.
20. MOV, MOT, MOB, MOM - Move.
Remove, Motion, Mobile, Momentum, Momentous.
21. MUT - Change.
Mutate, Mutability, Immutable, Commute.
Root List - L
1. LAT - Side.
Lateral, Collateral, Unilateral, Bilateral, Quadrilateral.
2. LAV, LAU, LU - Wash.
Lavatory, Laundry, Ablution, Antediluvian.
3. LEG, LEC, LEX - Read, Speak.
Legible, Lecture, Lexicon.
4. LEV - Light.
Elevate, Levitate, Levity, Alleviate.
5. LIBER - Free.
Liberty, Liberal, Libertarian, Libertine.
6. LIG, LECT - Choose, Gather.
Eleigible, Elect, Select.
7. LIG, LI, LY - Bind.
Ligament, Oblige, Religion, Liable, Liaison, Lien, Ally.
8. LING, LANG - Tongue.
Lingo, Language, Linguistics, Bilingual.
9. LITTER - Letter.
Literate, Alliteration, Literal.
10. LITH - Stone.
Monolith, Lithograph, Megalith.
11. LOQU, LOC, LOG - Speech, Thought.
Eloquent, Loquacious, Colloquial, Colloquy, Soliloquy, Circumlocution, Interlocutor, Monologue, Dialogue, Eulogy, Philology, Neologism.
12. LUC, LUM - Light.
Lucid, Illuminate, Elucidate, Pellucid, Translucent.
13. LUD, LUS - Play.
Ludicrous, Allude, Delusion, Allusion, Illusory.
Lateral, Collateral, Unilateral, Bilateral, Quadrilateral.
2. LAV, LAU, LU - Wash.
Lavatory, Laundry, Ablution, Antediluvian.
3. LEG, LEC, LEX - Read, Speak.
Legible, Lecture, Lexicon.
4. LEV - Light.
Elevate, Levitate, Levity, Alleviate.
5. LIBER - Free.
Liberty, Liberal, Libertarian, Libertine.
6. LIG, LECT - Choose, Gather.
Eleigible, Elect, Select.
7. LIG, LI, LY - Bind.
Ligament, Oblige, Religion, Liable, Liaison, Lien, Ally.
8. LING, LANG - Tongue.
Lingo, Language, Linguistics, Bilingual.
9. LITTER - Letter.
Literate, Alliteration, Literal.
10. LITH - Stone.
Monolith, Lithograph, Megalith.
11. LOQU, LOC, LOG - Speech, Thought.
Eloquent, Loquacious, Colloquial, Colloquy, Soliloquy, Circumlocution, Interlocutor, Monologue, Dialogue, Eulogy, Philology, Neologism.
12. LUC, LUM - Light.
Lucid, Illuminate, Elucidate, Pellucid, Translucent.
13. LUD, LUS - Play.
Ludicrous, Allude, Delusion, Allusion, Illusory.
Root List - J
1. JECT, JET - Throw.
Eject, Interject, Abject, Trajectory, Jettison.
2. JOUR - Day.
Journal, Adjourn, Sojourn.
3. JUD - Judge.
Judge, Judicious, Prejudice, Adjudicate.
4. JUNCT, JUG - Join.
Junction, Adjunct, Injunction, Conjugal, Subjugate.
5. JUR - Swear, Law.
Jury, Abjure, Adjure, Conjure, Perjure, Jurisprudence.
Eject, Interject, Abject, Trajectory, Jettison.
2. JOUR - Day.
Journal, Adjourn, Sojourn.
3. JUD - Judge.
Judge, Judicious, Prejudice, Adjudicate.
4. JUNCT, JUG - Join.
Junction, Adjunct, Injunction, Conjugal, Subjugate.
5. JUR - Swear, Law.
Jury, Abjure, Adjure, Conjure, Perjure, Jurisprudence.
Root List - I
1. IN, IG, IL, IM, IR - Not.
Incorrigible, Indefatigable, Indelible, Indubitable, Inept, Inert, Inexorable, Insatiable, Insentinent, Insolvent, Insomnia, Interminable, Intractable, Incessant, Inextricable, Infallible, Infamy, Innumerable, Inoperable, Insipid, Intemperate, Intrepid, Inviolable, Ignorant, Ignominious, Ignoble, Illicit, Illiminable, Immaculate, Immutable, Impasse, Impeccable, Impecunious, Impertinent, Implacable, Impotent, Impregnable, Improvident, Impassioned, Impervious, Irregular, Invade, Inaugurate, Incandescent, Incarcerate, Incense, Indenture, Induct, Ingratiate, Introvert, Incarnate, Inception, Incisive, Infer.
2. IN, IL, IM, IR - In, On, Into.
Infusion, Ingress, Innate, Inquest, Inscribe, Insinuate, Inter, Illustrate, Imbue, Immerse, Implicate, Irrigate, Irritate.
3. INTER - Between, Among.
Intercede, Intercept, Interdiction, Interject, Interlocutor, Interloper, Intermediary, Intermittent, Interpolate, Interpose, Interregnum, Interrogate, Intersect, Intervene.
4. INTRA, INTR - Within.
Intrastate, Intravenous, Intramural, Intrinsic.
5. IT, ITER - Between, Among.
Transit, Itinerant, Reiterate, Transitory.
Incorrigible, Indefatigable, Indelible, Indubitable, Inept, Inert, Inexorable, Insatiable, Insentinent, Insolvent, Insomnia, Interminable, Intractable, Incessant, Inextricable, Infallible, Infamy, Innumerable, Inoperable, Insipid, Intemperate, Intrepid, Inviolable, Ignorant, Ignominious, Ignoble, Illicit, Illiminable, Immaculate, Immutable, Impasse, Impeccable, Impecunious, Impertinent, Implacable, Impotent, Impregnable, Improvident, Impassioned, Impervious, Irregular, Invade, Inaugurate, Incandescent, Incarcerate, Incense, Indenture, Induct, Ingratiate, Introvert, Incarnate, Inception, Incisive, Infer.
2. IN, IL, IM, IR - In, On, Into.
Infusion, Ingress, Innate, Inquest, Inscribe, Insinuate, Inter, Illustrate, Imbue, Immerse, Implicate, Irrigate, Irritate.
3. INTER - Between, Among.
Intercede, Intercept, Interdiction, Interject, Interlocutor, Interloper, Intermediary, Intermittent, Interpolate, Interpose, Interregnum, Interrogate, Intersect, Intervene.
4. INTRA, INTR - Within.
Intrastate, Intravenous, Intramural, Intrinsic.
5. IT, ITER - Between, Among.
Transit, Itinerant, Reiterate, Transitory.
Root List - H
1. HABIT, HIBIT - Have, Hold.
Habit, Inhibit, Cohabit, Habitat.
2. HAP - By chance.
Happen, Haphazard, Hapless, Mishap.
3. HELIO, HELI - Sun.
Heliocentric, Helium, Heliotrope, Aphelion, Perihelion.
4. HETERO - Other.
Heterosexual, Heterogeneous, Heterodox.
5. HOL - Whole.
Holocaust, Catholic, Holistic.
6. HOMO - Same.
Homosexual, Homogenize, Homogeneous, Homonym.
7. HOMO - Man.
Homosapiens, Homicide, Bonhomie.
8.HYDR - Water.
Hydrant, Hydrate, Dehydration.
9.HYPER - Too much, Excess.
Hyperactive, Hydrate, Hyperventilate.
10. HYPO - Too little, Under.
Hypodermic, Hypothermia, Hypochondria,Hypothesis, Hypothetical.
Habit, Inhibit, Cohabit, Habitat.
2. HAP - By chance.
Happen, Haphazard, Hapless, Mishap.
3. HELIO, HELI - Sun.
Heliocentric, Helium, Heliotrope, Aphelion, Perihelion.
4. HETERO - Other.
Heterosexual, Heterogeneous, Heterodox.
5. HOL - Whole.
Holocaust, Catholic, Holistic.
6. HOMO - Same.
Homosexual, Homogenize, Homogeneous, Homonym.
7. HOMO - Man.
Homosapiens, Homicide, Bonhomie.
8.HYDR - Water.
Hydrant, Hydrate, Dehydration.
9.HYPER - Too much, Excess.
Hyperactive, Hydrate, Hyperventilate.
10. HYPO - Too little, Under.
Hypodermic, Hypothermia, Hypochondria,Hypothesis, Hypothetical.
Root List - G
1. GEN - Birth, Class, Kin.
Generation, Congenital, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous, Ingenious, Engender, Progenitor, Progeny.
2. GRAD, GRESS - Step.
Graduate, Gradual, Retrograde, Centigrade, Degrade, Gradation, Gradient, Progress, Congress, Digress, Transgress, Ingress, Egress.
3. GRAPH, GRAM - Writing.
Biography, Bibliography, Epigraph, Grammar, Epigram.
4. GRAT - Pleasing.
Grateful, Gratitude, Gratis, Ingrate, Congratulate, Gratuitous, Gratuity.
5. GRAV, GRIEV - Heavy.
Grave, Gravity, Aggravate, Grieve, Aggrieve, Grievous.
6. GREG - Crowd, Flock.
Segregate, Greagrious, Egregious, Congregate, Aggregate.
Generation, Congenital, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous, Ingenious, Engender, Progenitor, Progeny.
2. GRAD, GRESS - Step.
Graduate, Gradual, Retrograde, Centigrade, Degrade, Gradation, Gradient, Progress, Congress, Digress, Transgress, Ingress, Egress.
3. GRAPH, GRAM - Writing.
Biography, Bibliography, Epigraph, Grammar, Epigram.
4. GRAT - Pleasing.
Grateful, Gratitude, Gratis, Ingrate, Congratulate, Gratuitous, Gratuity.
5. GRAV, GRIEV - Heavy.
Grave, Gravity, Aggravate, Grieve, Aggrieve, Grievous.
6. GREG - Crowd, Flock.
Segregate, Greagrious, Egregious, Congregate, Aggregate.
Root List - F
1. FAC, FIC, FECT, FY, FEA - Make, Do.
Factory, Facility, Benefactor, Malefactor, Fiction, Fictive, Beneficient, Affect, Confection, Refectory, Magnify, Unify, Rectify, Vilify, Feasible.
2. FAL, FALS - Deceive.
False, Infallible, Fallacious.
3. FERV - Boil.
Fervent, Fervid, Effervescent.
4. FID - Faith, Trust.
Confident, Diffidence, Perfidious, Fidelity.
5. FLU, FLUX - Flow.
Fluent, Flux, Affluent, Confluence, Effluvia, Superfluous.
6. FORE - Before.
Forecast, Foreboding, Forestall.
7. FRAG, FRAC - Break.
Fragment, Fracture, Diffract, Fractious, Refract.
8. FUS - Pour.
Profuse, Infusion, Effusive, Diffuse.
Factory, Facility, Benefactor, Malefactor, Fiction, Fictive, Beneficient, Affect, Confection, Refectory, Magnify, Unify, Rectify, Vilify, Feasible.
2. FAL, FALS - Deceive.
False, Infallible, Fallacious.
3. FERV - Boil.
Fervent, Fervid, Effervescent.
4. FID - Faith, Trust.
Confident, Diffidence, Perfidious, Fidelity.
5. FLU, FLUX - Flow.
Fluent, Flux, Affluent, Confluence, Effluvia, Superfluous.
6. FORE - Before.
Forecast, Foreboding, Forestall.
7. FRAG, FRAC - Break.
Fragment, Fracture, Diffract, Fractious, Refract.
8. FUS - Pour.
Profuse, Infusion, Effusive, Diffuse.
Root List - E
1. EGO - Self.
Ego, Egoist, Egocentric.
2. EN, EM - in, into.
Enter, Entice, Encumber, Endemic, Ensconce, Enthrall, Entreat, Embellish, Embezzle, Embroil, Empathy.
3. ERR - Wander.
Erratic, Aberration, Errant.
4. EU - Well, Good.
Eulogy, Euphemism, Euphony, Euphoria, Eurythmics, Euthanasia.
5. EX, E - Out, Out of.
Exit, Exacerbate, Except, Excommunicate, Exculpate, Execrable, Exhume, Exonerate, Exorbitant, Exorcise, Expatriate, Expedient, Expiate, Expunge, Extenvate, Extort, Extremity, Extricate, Extrinsic, Exult, Evoke, Evict, Evince, Elicit, Egress, Egregious.
Ego, Egoist, Egocentric.
2. EN, EM - in, into.
Enter, Entice, Encumber, Endemic, Ensconce, Enthrall, Entreat, Embellish, Embezzle, Embroil, Empathy.
3. ERR - Wander.
Erratic, Aberration, Errant.
4. EU - Well, Good.
Eulogy, Euphemism, Euphony, Euphoria, Eurythmics, Euthanasia.
5. EX, E - Out, Out of.
Exit, Exacerbate, Except, Excommunicate, Exculpate, Execrable, Exhume, Exonerate, Exorbitant, Exorcise, Expatriate, Expedient, Expiate, Expunge, Extenvate, Extort, Extremity, Extricate, Extrinsic, Exult, Evoke, Evict, Evince, Elicit, Egress, Egregious.
Root List - D
1. DE - Down, Out, Apart.
Depart, Debase, Debilitate, Declivity, Decry, Deface, Defamatory, Defunct, Delegate, Demarcation, Demean, Demur, Deplete, Deplore, Depravity, Deprecate, Deride, Derivative, Desist, Detest, Devoid.
2. DEC - Ten, Tenth.
Decade, Decimal, Decathlon, Decimate.
3. DEMO, DEM - People.
Democrat, Demographics, Demogogue, Epidemic, Pandemic, Endemic.
4. DI, DIURN - Day.
Diary, Diurnal, Quotidian.
5. DIA - Across.
Diagonal, Diatribe, Diaphanous.
6. DIC, DICT - Speak.
Diction, Interdict, Predict, Abdicate, Indict, Verdict.
7. DIS, DIF, DI - Not, Apart, Away.
Disaffected, Disband, Disbar, Disburse, Discern, Discordant, Discredit, Discursive, Disheveled, Disparage, Disparate, Dispassionate, Dispirit, Dissemble, Disseminate, Dissension, Dissipate, Dissonant, Dissuade, Distend, Differentiate, Diffidence, Diffuse, Digree, Divert.
8. DOC, DOCT - Teach.
Doctrine, Docile, Doctrinaire,
9. DOL - Pain.
Condolence, Doleful, Dolorous, Indolent.
10. DUCT, DUC - Lead.
Seduce, Induce, Conduct, Viaduct, Induct.
Depart, Debase, Debilitate, Declivity, Decry, Deface, Defamatory, Defunct, Delegate, Demarcation, Demean, Demur, Deplete, Deplore, Depravity, Deprecate, Deride, Derivative, Desist, Detest, Devoid.
2. DEC - Ten, Tenth.
Decade, Decimal, Decathlon, Decimate.
3. DEMO, DEM - People.
Democrat, Demographics, Demogogue, Epidemic, Pandemic, Endemic.
4. DI, DIURN - Day.
Diary, Diurnal, Quotidian.
5. DIA - Across.
Diagonal, Diatribe, Diaphanous.
6. DIC, DICT - Speak.
Diction, Interdict, Predict, Abdicate, Indict, Verdict.
7. DIS, DIF, DI - Not, Apart, Away.
Disaffected, Disband, Disbar, Disburse, Discern, Discordant, Discredit, Discursive, Disheveled, Disparage, Disparate, Dispassionate, Dispirit, Dissemble, Disseminate, Dissension, Dissipate, Dissonant, Dissuade, Distend, Differentiate, Diffidence, Diffuse, Digree, Divert.
8. DOC, DOCT - Teach.
Doctrine, Docile, Doctrinaire,
9. DOL - Pain.
Condolence, Doleful, Dolorous, Indolent.
10. DUCT, DUC - Lead.
Seduce, Induce, Conduct, Viaduct, Induct.
Root List - C
1. CAD, CAS, CID - Happen, Fall.
Accident, Cadence, Cascade, Deciduous.
2. CAP, CIP - Head.
Captain, Decapitate, Capitulate, Precipitous, Precipitate.
3. CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP - Take, Hold, Seize.
Capable, Capacious, Recapitulate, Captivate, Deception, Intercept, Precept, Inception, Anticipate, Emancipation, Incipient, Percipient.
4. CARN - Flesh.
Carnal, Carnage, Carnival, Carnivorous, Incarnate.
5. CED, CESS - Yield, Go.
Cease, Cessation, Incessant, Cede, Precede, Accede, Recede, Antecedent, Intercede, Secede, Cession.
6. CHROM - Color.
Chrome, Chronic, Monochrome.
7. CHRON - Time.
Chronology, Chronic, Anachronism.
8. CIDE - Murder.
Suicide, Homicide, Regicide, Patricide.
9. CIRCUM - Around.
Circumference, Circumlocution, Circumnavigate, Circumscribe, Circumspect, Circumvent.
10. CLIN, CLIV - Slope.
Incline, Declivity, Proclivity.
11. CLUD, CLUS, CLAUS, CLOIS - Shut, Close.
Conclude, Reclusive, Claustrophobia, Cloister, Preclude, Occlude.
12. CO, COM, CON - With, Together.
Coeducation, Coagulate, Coalesce, Coerce, Cogent, Cognate, Collateral, Colloquial, Colloquy, Commensurate, Commodious, Compassion, Compatriot, Complacent, Compliant, Complicity, Compunction, Concrete, Conciliatory, Concord, Concur, Condone, Conflagration, Congeal, Congenial, Congenital, Conglomerate, Conjure, Conjugal, Conscientious, Consecrate, Consensus, Consonant, Constrained, Constentious, Contrite, Contusion, Convalescence, Convene, Convivial, Convoke, Convoluted, Congress.
13. COGN, GNO - Know.
Recognize, Cognition, Cognizance, Incognite, Diagnosis, Agnostic, Prognosis, Gnostic, Ignorant.
14. CONTRA - Against.
Controversy, Incontrovertible, Contravene.
15. CORP - Body.
Corpse, Corporeal, Corpulence.
16. COSMO, COSM - World.
Cosmopolitan, Cosmos, Microcosm, Macrocosm.
17. CRAC, CRAT - Rule, Power.
Democracy, Bureaucracy, Theocracy, Autocrat, Aristocrat, Technocrat.
18. CRED - Trust, Believe.
Incredible, Credulous, Credence.
19. CRESC, CRET - Grow.
Crescent, Crescendo, Accretion.
20. CULP - Blame, Fault.
Culprit, Culpable, Inculpate, Exculpate.
21. CURR, CURS - Run.
Current, Concur, Cursory, Precursor, Incursion.
Accident, Cadence, Cascade, Deciduous.
2. CAP, CIP - Head.
Captain, Decapitate, Capitulate, Precipitous, Precipitate.
3. CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP - Take, Hold, Seize.
Capable, Capacious, Recapitulate, Captivate, Deception, Intercept, Precept, Inception, Anticipate, Emancipation, Incipient, Percipient.
4. CARN - Flesh.
Carnal, Carnage, Carnival, Carnivorous, Incarnate.
5. CED, CESS - Yield, Go.
Cease, Cessation, Incessant, Cede, Precede, Accede, Recede, Antecedent, Intercede, Secede, Cession.
6. CHROM - Color.
Chrome, Chronic, Monochrome.
7. CHRON - Time.
Chronology, Chronic, Anachronism.
8. CIDE - Murder.
Suicide, Homicide, Regicide, Patricide.
9. CIRCUM - Around.
Circumference, Circumlocution, Circumnavigate, Circumscribe, Circumspect, Circumvent.
10. CLIN, CLIV - Slope.
Incline, Declivity, Proclivity.
11. CLUD, CLUS, CLAUS, CLOIS - Shut, Close.
Conclude, Reclusive, Claustrophobia, Cloister, Preclude, Occlude.
12. CO, COM, CON - With, Together.
Coeducation, Coagulate, Coalesce, Coerce, Cogent, Cognate, Collateral, Colloquial, Colloquy, Commensurate, Commodious, Compassion, Compatriot, Complacent, Compliant, Complicity, Compunction, Concrete, Conciliatory, Concord, Concur, Condone, Conflagration, Congeal, Congenial, Congenital, Conglomerate, Conjure, Conjugal, Conscientious, Consecrate, Consensus, Consonant, Constrained, Constentious, Contrite, Contusion, Convalescence, Convene, Convivial, Convoke, Convoluted, Congress.
13. COGN, GNO - Know.
Recognize, Cognition, Cognizance, Incognite, Diagnosis, Agnostic, Prognosis, Gnostic, Ignorant.
14. CONTRA - Against.
Controversy, Incontrovertible, Contravene.
15. CORP - Body.
Corpse, Corporeal, Corpulence.
16. COSMO, COSM - World.
Cosmopolitan, Cosmos, Microcosm, Macrocosm.
17. CRAC, CRAT - Rule, Power.
Democracy, Bureaucracy, Theocracy, Autocrat, Aristocrat, Technocrat.
18. CRED - Trust, Believe.
Incredible, Credulous, Credence.
19. CRESC, CRET - Grow.
Crescent, Crescendo, Accretion.
20. CULP - Blame, Fault.
Culprit, Culpable, Inculpate, Exculpate.
21. CURR, CURS - Run.
Current, Concur, Cursory, Precursor, Incursion.
Root List - B
1. BELLI, BELL - War.
Belligerent, Bellicose, Antebellum, Rebellion.
2. BENE, BEN - Good.
Benevolent, Benefactor, Beneficient, Benign.
3. BI - Two.
Bicycle, Bisect, Bilateral, Bilingual, Biped.
4. BIBLIO - Book.
Bible, Bibliograpghy, Bibliophile.
5. BIO - Life.
Biography, Biology, Amphibious, Symbiotic, Macrobotics.
6. BURS - Money, Purse.
Reimburse, Disburse, Bursar.
Belligerent, Bellicose, Antebellum, Rebellion.
2. BENE, BEN - Good.
Benevolent, Benefactor, Beneficient, Benign.
3. BI - Two.
Bicycle, Bisect, Bilateral, Bilingual, Biped.
4. BIBLIO - Book.
Bible, Bibliograpghy, Bibliophile.
5. BIO - Life.
Biography, Biology, Amphibious, Symbiotic, Macrobotics.
6. BURS - Money, Purse.
Reimburse, Disburse, Bursar.
Root List - A
1. A, AN - not, without.
Amoral, Atrophy, Asymmetrical, Anarchy, Anesthetic, Anonymity, Anomaly.
2. AB, A - From, Away, Apart.
Abnormal, Abdicate, Aberration, Abhor, Abject, Abjure, Ablution, Abnegate, Abortive, Abrogate, Abscond, Absolute, Abstemious, Abstruse, Annul, Avert, Aversion.
3. AC, ACR - Sharp, Sour.
Acid, Acerbic, Exacerbate, Acute, Acuity, Acumen, Acrid, Acrimony.
4. AD, A - To, Toward.
Adhere, Adjacent, Adjunct, Admonish, Adroit, Adumbrate, Advent, Abeyance, Abet, Accede, Accretion, Acquiesce, Affluent, Aggrandize, Aggregate, Alleviate, Alliteration, Allude, Allure, Ascribe, Aspersion, Aspire, Assail, Assonance, Attest.
5. ALI, ALTR - Another.
Alias, Alienate, Inalienable, Altruism.
6. AM, AMI - Love.
Amorous, Amicable, Amiable, Amity.
7. AMBI, AMPHI - Both.
Ambiguous, Ambivalent, Ambidextrous, Amphibious.
8. AMBL, AMBUL - Walk.
Amble, Ambulatory, Perambulator, Somnambulist.
9. ANIM - Mind, Spirit, Breath.
Animal, Animosity, Unanimous, Magnanimous.
10. ANN, ENN - Year.
Annual, Annuity, Superannuated, Biennial, Perennial.
11. ANTE, ANT - Before.
Antecedent, Antediluvian, Antebellum, Antepenultimate, Anterior, Antiquity, Antiquated, Anticipate.
12. ANTHROP - Human.
Anthropology, Anthropomorphic, Misanthrope, Philanthropy.
13. ANTI, ANT - Against, Opposite.
Antidote, Antipathy, Antithesis, Antacid, Antalogist, Antonym.
14. AUD - Hear.
Audio, Audience, Audition, Auditory, Audible.
15. AUTO - Self.
AutoBiography, Autocrat, Autonomous.
Amoral, Atrophy, Asymmetrical, Anarchy, Anesthetic, Anonymity, Anomaly.
2. AB, A - From, Away, Apart.
Abnormal, Abdicate, Aberration, Abhor, Abject, Abjure, Ablution, Abnegate, Abortive, Abrogate, Abscond, Absolute, Abstemious, Abstruse, Annul, Avert, Aversion.
3. AC, ACR - Sharp, Sour.
Acid, Acerbic, Exacerbate, Acute, Acuity, Acumen, Acrid, Acrimony.
4. AD, A - To, Toward.
Adhere, Adjacent, Adjunct, Admonish, Adroit, Adumbrate, Advent, Abeyance, Abet, Accede, Accretion, Acquiesce, Affluent, Aggrandize, Aggregate, Alleviate, Alliteration, Allude, Allure, Ascribe, Aspersion, Aspire, Assail, Assonance, Attest.
5. ALI, ALTR - Another.
Alias, Alienate, Inalienable, Altruism.
6. AM, AMI - Love.
Amorous, Amicable, Amiable, Amity.
7. AMBI, AMPHI - Both.
Ambiguous, Ambivalent, Ambidextrous, Amphibious.
8. AMBL, AMBUL - Walk.
Amble, Ambulatory, Perambulator, Somnambulist.
9. ANIM - Mind, Spirit, Breath.
Animal, Animosity, Unanimous, Magnanimous.
10. ANN, ENN - Year.
Annual, Annuity, Superannuated, Biennial, Perennial.
11. ANTE, ANT - Before.
Antecedent, Antediluvian, Antebellum, Antepenultimate, Anterior, Antiquity, Antiquated, Anticipate.
12. ANTHROP - Human.
Anthropology, Anthropomorphic, Misanthrope, Philanthropy.
13. ANTI, ANT - Against, Opposite.
Antidote, Antipathy, Antithesis, Antacid, Antalogist, Antonym.
14. AUD - Hear.
Audio, Audience, Audition, Auditory, Audible.
15. AUTO - Self.
AutoBiography, Autocrat, Autonomous.
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