1) Anecdote - Stories.
2) Moron - Idiot(A person of subnormal intelligence).
3) Sophomore - A second yearundergraduate.
4) Infomerical - A relatively long commercial in the format of a tv program.
5) Bereavement - State of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one.
6) Liaison - A usually secretive sexual relationship.
7) Proust - French writer whose seven part novel is among the great works.
8) Unrequited - Not reciprocated or returned in kind.
9) Smattering - A small, scattered amount or No.
10) Refrain - Not participating.
11) Pliant - Bending.
12) Exemplary - Commendable serving as a model.
13) Mundane- Ordinary.
14) Reproach - to express disapproval of, criticsm of.
15) Mendicant- Beggar.
16) Deluge - Great flood;Inundate.
17) Unimpeachable - Blameless.
18) Overture- the opening of an opera.
19) Moribund- Dying.
20) Exemplary :reproach: Unimpeachable:Criticism
is beyond
21)Prevaricator - Liar.
22) Deluge - A big rain.
23) Consternation - Fear.
24) Maligned - Injurious;Evil in influence.
25) Placate(Placid) - Calm down.
26) Enrage - Stir up anger.
27) Ponderous - Has a lot of weight.
28) Sluts - A woman prostitute.
29) Refutation- Act of argument or proof of false.
30) Febrile - A sign of Illness;Feverish.
31) Sequestered- Lack of company;Retired.
32) Palliated - To make less severe; mitigate, Assuage.
33) Atonement - Religious Sacrifice.
34) Pint - A unit of volume or capacity in the US system.
35) Congeniality - Agreeable, suitable or pleasing in nature.
36) Endowment - A natural gift, ability or quality.
37) Inured(To serve to someone benefit)- To become accustomed to something painful.
38) Berefit- Lacking something needed or expected.
39) Irascible - Easily angered.
40) Exonerate - To relieve(free) of blame or to clear of guilt.
41) Abrogate - TO abolish.
42) Alacrity - A cheerful willingness to act or serve.
43) Bellicosity - Warlike.
44) Interment - Burying a body in a grave.
45) Haphazardly- Casually; By chance.
46) Blatantly - Unpleasantly loud and noisy.
47) Countermanding - To cancel or reverse.
48) Innocuous - Harmless.
49) Depraved - Immoral, Morally corrupt.
50) Aver- Affirm with confidence.
51) Proclaim - Announce officially.
52) Gargantuam - arge or sizable.
53) Revere(Love unquestionably)- Regard with deep awe or respect.
54) Boorish - Rude or ill-mannered.
55) Whimsical - Fanciful or capricious.
56) Delusional(Unshakeable belief in something untrue) - A sign of insanity (mental illness).
57) Incommunicado - Lack of contract.
58) Equivocation - formal and informal fallacy(argument not logically sound).
59) Feint(Cunning act) - A deceptive act or shame that serves to hide intention.
60) Decry - to condemn.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Analogy Examples
1) A gale is more powerful than a breeze.
---- ------
2) A movement is a part of a sonata.
-------- ------
3) Foreword precedes Appendix.
-------- --------
4) A silo is a place where u'd find grain.
---- -----
5) A glacier is made up of ice as a dune is made up of sand.
------- --- ---- ----
6) Grotesque - a defining characteristic of Gargoyle(Ugly figure of human or animal).
--------- --------
7) Defamatory -defining char. of what it is to Libel(false publication).
---------- -----
8) Annex-Something added to an already existing building.
----- --------
9) Book:Tome(A large book)-Saga ,a lengthy story.
10) Sociability is a defining char. of gregarious(seeking and enjoying).
11) Blame : Scapegoat.
12) Lionize(treat a person as a celebrity):Hero.
13) Laudatory: Praise
14) Epilogue(speech) comes after the original Novel.
-------- -----
15) Harbinger:beginning::Herald:Advent
To announce
16) Rampart(A means of protection or defense):Fortress(protective place).
17) Scythe:Reaping::Shears:cutting
A tool for
18) Maverick(An unbranded animal range):Stray(defining char. of maverick).
19)Hermit(A person withdrawn from socially and lives a solitary existence): recluse
20) Transient(Temporary or passing) X Eternal(Permanent)
21) Acarpous(infertile) X Fecund(Fertile)
22) Precipice(Distress situation beginning)- A sharp drop-off
23) Countenance-Approve of(facial expression)
24) Subleme-Lofty,high or noble.
25) Raffish-Low,vulgar and base.
26) Loutish(Awkward) X Sophisticated.
27) Enigmatic X Easily understood.
28) Recalcitrant(Stubborn resistance) X Yielding.
29) Trepidation X Courage.
30) Proclivity( A natural inclination) X Avoidance.
31) Tenuous(Thin) X Substantial.
32) Spurious(Reasonable but false) X Authentic.
33) Nefarious(Infamous by extremely wicked) X Virtuous (Morally excellent).
34) Indefatigable X Exhausted.
35) Plethora(extreme excess) X Paucity(An insufficient quantity or No.
36) Chauffeur - One who drives auto as a job.
37) Infirmary-A health facility where patients receive treatment.
---- ------
2) A movement is a part of a sonata.
-------- ------
3) Foreword precedes Appendix.
-------- --------
4) A silo is a place where u'd find grain.
---- -----
5) A glacier is made up of ice as a dune is made up of sand.
------- --- ---- ----
6) Grotesque - a defining characteristic of Gargoyle(Ugly figure of human or animal).
--------- --------
7) Defamatory -defining char. of what it is to Libel(false publication).
---------- -----
8) Annex-Something added to an already existing building.
----- --------
9) Book:Tome(A large book)-Saga ,a lengthy story.
10) Sociability is a defining char. of gregarious(seeking and enjoying).
11) Blame : Scapegoat.
12) Lionize(treat a person as a celebrity):Hero.
13) Laudatory: Praise
14) Epilogue(speech) comes after the original Novel.
-------- -----
15) Harbinger:beginning::Herald:Advent
To announce
16) Rampart(A means of protection or defense):Fortress(protective place).
17) Scythe:Reaping::Shears:cutting
A tool for
18) Maverick(An unbranded animal range):Stray(defining char. of maverick).
19)Hermit(A person withdrawn from socially and lives a solitary existence): recluse
20) Transient(Temporary or passing) X Eternal(Permanent)
21) Acarpous(infertile) X Fecund(Fertile)
22) Precipice(Distress situation beginning)- A sharp drop-off
23) Countenance-Approve of(facial expression)
24) Subleme-Lofty,high or noble.
25) Raffish-Low,vulgar and base.
26) Loutish(Awkward) X Sophisticated.
27) Enigmatic X Easily understood.
28) Recalcitrant(Stubborn resistance) X Yielding.
29) Trepidation X Courage.
30) Proclivity( A natural inclination) X Avoidance.
31) Tenuous(Thin) X Substantial.
32) Spurious(Reasonable but false) X Authentic.
33) Nefarious(Infamous by extremely wicked) X Virtuous (Morally excellent).
34) Indefatigable X Exhausted.
35) Plethora(extreme excess) X Paucity(An insufficient quantity or No.
36) Chauffeur - One who drives auto as a job.
37) Infirmary-A health facility where patients receive treatment.
Most Common Analogy Connections
1) Part of the definition
2) Lack of something is part of the definition
3) Spurious form
4) Degree
5) Part to whole
6) Type of
7) Sequence
8) Interruption
9) Tool
10) A place for
11) A sign of
2) Lack of something is part of the definition
3) Spurious form
4) Degree
5) Part to whole
6) Type of
7) Sequence
8) Interruption
9) Tool
10) A place for
11) A sign of
1) Ode(Kind of a poem):Poem::Ballad(kind of a song):Song
2) Tenacity(Not weak):Weak::Apathy(not caring):Caring
3) Curator(incharge of caring for painting):Painting::Archivist:Manuscript
4) Crepescule(Means twilight):Twilight::Dawn:Daybreak
5) Forge(Shape metal or to create anything) X Dissolve
6) Motile X Immobile
7) Lachrymose(Tearful or sad) X Joyful
8) Quiescence (State of quiet or rest) X Frenzy (Violent-Motion)
9) Pacifist - In a peaceful way(Pacify).
10) Lackluster-Dull and boring.
11) Atrophy -partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body
12) Protracted -To draw out or lengthen in time.
13) Gratuitous - Given or granted without return.
14) Incomprehensible - Not understandible.
15)Condemnation - To express strong disapproval(a characteristic) of.
16) Blasphemy - An irreverent or impious act.(Act of claiming oneself the attributes and righs of God.
17)Bellicosity - Aggressive.
18) Burlesque - A mocking imitation.
19) Traitor - One who betrays .
20) Sage - Calm judgement.
21) Taciturn - Habitually untalkative.
22) Impulse - An impelling force.
23) Mumble - Spurious(defective) form of speaking.
24) Plagiarizing - Spurious(defective) form of writing.
25) Bravado : Courage
(A defective form of)
26) Toss :Hurl(Throw with force)
Similar actions but one, more violent than the other.
Cool:Frigid(Extremely cold)
Merchant:Magnate(Very effective businessman)
Defeat:Rout(Great defeat)
27) Note: Scale
A part of
A type of
Soprano(Highest singing voice of women or young boy):Vocalist
29)Tumble(Soersaults, rolls or twists):fall
precedes a
Crouch(Body exercise):Spring
Climax:Denoument(Series of events after climax)
30) Recess:trial
Signifies the end of
Relapse(Former state):Recovery
Incarceration(To put into jail):Release
Layover(A short break):Journey
Digression(To turn aside from speaking or writing):Speech
31) Scalpel:Surgeon
Tool associated with
Bow(Musical string used):Violinist
Pallet(Forklifters use this to keep or move material(A wooden board):Painter
Paddle:Canoe(Small boat)
Tack(A type of nail used in shoemaking):Jockey
Knife:Whittle(To cut or carve small bits from wood)
32) Roustabout:Circus
Found on
Horse:Stable(Horse shelter)
A sign of
Grim(Contortion of face expression out of pain):Pain
Fidget: Restlessness
Snarl(Out of anger , shout):Anger
Purr(Soft sound):Contentment(Being at ease)
Strut(to walk):Vanity(Pain)
Gloat(To feel great):Self-Satisfaction
Hiss(An expression of disapproval):Disapproval
Sneer(A facial expression):Contempt(Feeling superior)
2) Tenacity(Not weak):Weak::Apathy(not caring):Caring
3) Curator(incharge of caring for painting):Painting::Archivist:Manuscript
4) Crepescule(Means twilight):Twilight::Dawn:Daybreak
5) Forge(Shape metal or to create anything) X Dissolve
6) Motile X Immobile
7) Lachrymose(Tearful or sad) X Joyful
8) Quiescence (State of quiet or rest) X Frenzy (Violent-Motion)
9) Pacifist - In a peaceful way(Pacify).
10) Lackluster-Dull and boring.
11) Atrophy -partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body
12) Protracted -To draw out or lengthen in time.
13) Gratuitous - Given or granted without return.
14) Incomprehensible - Not understandible.
15)Condemnation - To express strong disapproval(a characteristic) of.
16) Blasphemy - An irreverent or impious act.(Act of claiming oneself the attributes and righs of God.
17)Bellicosity - Aggressive.
18) Burlesque - A mocking imitation.
19) Traitor - One who betrays .
20) Sage - Calm judgement.
21) Taciturn - Habitually untalkative.
22) Impulse - An impelling force.
23) Mumble - Spurious(defective) form of speaking.
24) Plagiarizing - Spurious(defective) form of writing.
25) Bravado : Courage
(A defective form of)
26) Toss :Hurl(Throw with force)
Similar actions but one, more violent than the other.
Cool:Frigid(Extremely cold)
Merchant:Magnate(Very effective businessman)
Defeat:Rout(Great defeat)
27) Note: Scale
A part of
A type of
Soprano(Highest singing voice of women or young boy):Vocalist
29)Tumble(Soersaults, rolls or twists):fall
precedes a
Crouch(Body exercise):Spring
Climax:Denoument(Series of events after climax)
30) Recess:trial
Signifies the end of
Relapse(Former state):Recovery
Incarceration(To put into jail):Release
Layover(A short break):Journey
Digression(To turn aside from speaking or writing):Speech
31) Scalpel:Surgeon
Tool associated with
Bow(Musical string used):Violinist
Pallet(Forklifters use this to keep or move material(A wooden board):Painter
Paddle:Canoe(Small boat)
Tack(A type of nail used in shoemaking):Jockey
Knife:Whittle(To cut or carve small bits from wood)
32) Roustabout:Circus
Found on
Horse:Stable(Horse shelter)
A sign of
Grim(Contortion of face expression out of pain):Pain
Fidget: Restlessness
Snarl(Out of anger , shout):Anger
Purr(Soft sound):Contentment(Being at ease)
Strut(to walk):Vanity(Pain)
Gloat(To feel great):Self-Satisfaction
Hiss(An expression of disapproval):Disapproval
Sneer(A facial expression):Contempt(Feeling superior)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Other Math Notes
1) Integers
I= { .., -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,..}
2) 6.25% of 80 in which No. 80 is called the BASE of the exponent.
3) If quantity increase from 600 to 750, then % increase would be:
-----X 100 = 25%
If quantity decrease from 500 to 400, then % decrease would be:
-----X 100 = 20%
4) For any 2 positive numbers x,y; where x
y is
( y-x)100
--------- % greater than x
x is
---------- % less than y
5) o(Zero) to the power o(zero) is undefined.
6) Inequalities reversed if the constant is negative and is multiplied on both sides of the equation.
7) A straight line is a graph of a linear equation of the form y=mx+b
where m-> slope of the line passing through points P(x1,y1) & Q(x2,y2) and 'b' is called the y-intercept, m=
-------- (x1 != x2)
8) i) An even number times any integer yield an even Number.
ii) An odd number times an odd number yield an odd number.
iii) Two even Nos. or 2 odd Nos. added together yield an even No.
iv) An odd No. added to an even No. will yield an odd No.
9) Convex Polygon:
----------------- Measure of each interior angle of the polygon is less than 180 deg.
10) The sum of the measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (n-2) 180 deg.
11) The length of the sides of an isosceles triangle are in the ratio 1 to 1 to Sq.Root(2).
12) The lengths of the sides of 30-60-90 right triangle are in the ratio 1 to Sq.Root(3) to 2.
13) Area of a trapezoid (Only one pair of opp. sides parallel) =
(b1 + b2) h
where b1 and b2 are the parallel sides.
14) Length of an arc( in a circle) Arc Measure ( in degrees)
----------------------------- = ----------------------------
Circumference 360
15) Also, Area of sector Arc Measure (in degrees)
---------------------= ---------------------------
Area of entire circle 360
16) Cube
------ Surface Area = 2(lb+bh+lh)
17) Cylinder
--------- Surface Area = 2 pi. r (r + h)
18) Mean- Average
Median - Mid Value
Mode- Most frequently occuring value
Range -Simplest measure of dispersion= (greatest -least) measurement.
19) Standard Deviation : i) Find Mean.
ii) Difference between mean and each measure.
iii) Square each of them.
iv) Sum squared values.
v) Divide the sum by 'n'.
vi) Take the non (-ve) sq. root of quotient.
20) The No. of different committees of 3 people that can be selected from 5 people is
5 !
(5-3)! 3!
2! 3!
21) In any "staircase", the perimeter is just twice the sum of the height and the length.
22) If the side of a square is 'a', it's diagonal is a X Sq. Root(2).
23) Area of an equilateral triangle is
Sq. Root (3) X a
24) The sum of the first 'n' positive integers is n(n+1)
25) + & - Even Odd
Even Even Odd
Odd Odd Even
X Even Odd
Even Even Even
Odd Even Odd
I= { .., -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,..}
2) 6.25% of 80 in which No. 80 is called the BASE of the exponent.
3) If quantity increase from 600 to 750, then % increase would be:
-----X 100 = 25%
If quantity decrease from 500 to 400, then % decrease would be:
-----X 100 = 20%
4) For any 2 positive numbers x,y; where x
y is
( y-x)100
--------- % greater than x
x is
---------- % less than y
5) o(Zero) to the power o(zero) is undefined.
6) Inequalities reversed if the constant is negative and is multiplied on both sides of the equation.
7) A straight line is a graph of a linear equation of the form y=mx+b
where m-> slope of the line passing through points P(x1,y1) & Q(x2,y2) and 'b' is called the y-intercept, m=
-------- (x1 != x2)
8) i) An even number times any integer yield an even Number.
ii) An odd number times an odd number yield an odd number.
iii) Two even Nos. or 2 odd Nos. added together yield an even No.
iv) An odd No. added to an even No. will yield an odd No.
9) Convex Polygon:
----------------- Measure of each interior angle of the polygon is less than 180 deg.
10) The sum of the measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (n-2) 180 deg.
11) The length of the sides of an isosceles triangle are in the ratio 1 to 1 to Sq.Root(2).
12) The lengths of the sides of 30-60-90 right triangle are in the ratio 1 to Sq.Root(3) to 2.
13) Area of a trapezoid (Only one pair of opp. sides parallel) =
(b1 + b2) h
where b1 and b2 are the parallel sides.
14) Length of an arc( in a circle) Arc Measure ( in degrees)
----------------------------- = ----------------------------
Circumference 360
15) Also, Area of sector Arc Measure (in degrees)
---------------------= ---------------------------
Area of entire circle 360
16) Cube
------ Surface Area = 2(lb+bh+lh)
17) Cylinder
--------- Surface Area = 2 pi. r (r + h)
18) Mean- Average
Median - Mid Value
Mode- Most frequently occuring value
Range -Simplest measure of dispersion= (greatest -least) measurement.
19) Standard Deviation : i) Find Mean.
ii) Difference between mean and each measure.
iii) Square each of them.
iv) Sum squared values.
v) Divide the sum by 'n'.
vi) Take the non (-ve) sq. root of quotient.
20) The No. of different committees of 3 people that can be selected from 5 people is
5 !
(5-3)! 3!
2! 3!
21) In any "staircase", the perimeter is just twice the sum of the height and the length.
22) If the side of a square is 'a', it's diagonal is a X Sq. Root(2).
23) Area of an equilateral triangle is
Sq. Root (3) X a
24) The sum of the first 'n' positive integers is n(n+1)
25) + & - Even Odd
Even Even Odd
Odd Odd Even
X Even Odd
Even Even Even
Odd Even Odd
Prime or Non-Prime Number
First 10 prime Numbers : 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23 and 29.
a) 14 (as it has 4 divisors-1,2,7,14)
b) 1 is not prime as only one positive divisor.
a) 14 (as it has 4 divisors-1,2,7,14)
b) 1 is not prime as only one positive divisor.
Quantitative Comparisons
Pay attention when the expression comparison is between a fraction or a negative number.
Plug in 1, 0(zero), a in the expression suitably.
Plug in 1, 0(zero), a in the expression suitably.
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